It's already two weeks in, today is January 15th 2012! I had to write today because of the poem to the left. Ive been meaning to blog for a while, my last one hasn't been since I think maybe October, which seem like a YEAR ago, for real. Why? Because we have learned so FREAKING much! We ve covered GI, kidney, various cancers, and heart diseases. That was all in the fall semester so far. We also covered tons of BACTERIA and how they cause disease, mostly in November.
On top of all that we have learned close to I am guessing near 300 or so different drugs, which I have forgotten over half of those at least, if not more like 90% of them. The drugs we learned last semester (last year! its wierd saying last year already, AHHH, time slow down a little please) dealt with Cancer drugs, Nervous system drugs, and Heart Drugs.
Wow, so much. Then we got 2 weeks for christmas. It was awesome, and literally the fastest 2 week break of my entire school career. I had Jennie visit me in Chicago for the first few days (we went on a helicopter ride, it was SICK!) relaxed at home with family, went to Iowa city for a couple days, and then celebrated New Years Eve with the dwgs in Chicago at a hotel and a club. It was such a good break, loved every second of it because I knew it was ALL WORK once back in Chicago. And its true, all work. My method lately has been skipping class and relying on the recorded lectures called "Camtasia" for my learning. Its so efficeint for me. I can stop and pause and take notes without being MAD confused all the time in lecture. Also my schedule is SO screwed up. Its crazy, I've been waking up at like anywhere from noon to 3pm, even as late as 5pm and then working out quick, eating dinner and then getting to the library/ study rooms at school by 9pm at the latest.
Then, I stay up untill ALL NIGHT, usually till 7am or later studying. Its EFFECTIVE. Sometimes I get distracted and watch youtube. Like tonight I did that, Ive been at the school all night. I watched a supercross race before I came over. Then studied hard, but then got distracted by what we are studying on youtube. We are learning about WORMS, and so I youtube searched them, and got caught up into a talk show called "Tyra", where they had tapeworm diets. it was disgusting. What we are learning right now is absolutely disgusting. We ve started out the new year by learning about fungus infections, parasites, and worms. GROSS.
The poem on the left sums up EXACTLY how I feel. After listening to hours of lectures of this stuff, you don't wanna eat meat, go outside barefoot, walk on the beach, eat fish, be around kids, or travel abroad, especially to Africa! This shit SCARES the hell outta you. On top of that, as I'm studying, every time I itch, I think I have a worm infesting me! While I was studyn tonight, my stomach cramped a little, I was thinking I had a worm since every worm infection goes into the GI tract. So ye, this stuff affects you, it really funny though! and makes u def scared of the world thoe lol.
The poem is dedicated to Dr. Lint, our microbiology professor. Its the M2 course where we learn about all this stuff. Dr. Lint is a funny professor, he tells the best stories to the class and shows all the crazy pictures of disease. He precludes each picture before he shows it by saying "are you ready for this one? This one is Nasty" (its funny in his peculiar accent). Then, he shows the picture to a collective gasp of the class. Dr. Lint is outright my favorite professor that we have had at Rush. I wish he taught all our classes. He actually keeps stuff interesting. and he is hilarious.
Now, we are learning about the various lung diseases right now. When I was told how medical school would be it was no lie. year 2 is learning PATHOLOGY and PHARMOCOLOGY, which in simple terms is learning a particular disease, how it works, important findings (in med terms, its called HALLMARK findings) who is at risk, and then a few key drugs to treat it. Now pathology and pharmocology are separate classes, but at RUSH they keep the topics of the two very similar which incredbily nice. So now we just learned about different lung diseases in pathology class. In pharmacy we are learning the drugs that treat these diseases. So, summary of year two if you asked me? DISEASE and DRUGS. Now, the cool part about 2nd year is you feel like your learning some cool stuff and you can actually feel smart on the floor instead of wanting to curl up in a corner and hiding under a blanket.
What have I gained this year? I ve gained some confidence in talking about disease when I see it. It s a cool feeling, a feeling of legitamcy and a little feeling of maybe what it feels like to have that sweet MD (mmm cant wait!) Now, we also do clinical practice here, and my next post I will do now before I forget addresses that! Overall, 2nd yr is CRAZY as HELL, much harder than last year, and I am constantly reviewing last years material to understand this year's material. so my advice to someone about to enter medical school? TAKE COPIUS NOTES, ha I sound smart huh?
I mean really, take good notes and SAVE them. I take all mine in notebooks my each subject and make sure their are well written, yea it takes effing forever, but I can reference them quickly for background info about this years stuff. Example: I forgot entirely how the lung works, ( I remembered it was a balloon for air lol), and I looked up exactly how it all worked in my notes. anways, next post, then its off to help my buddy move his stuff to a new apartment, sleep for a few hours, get my ass up, do a workout, and then its same old song and dance! STUDYING LIKE A BOSSS!
-MD in 14
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