Thursday, October 27, 2011

Future Summer Project Idea (When I'm a Doc)

So, midterm week was last week, it was hard but I am happy! I got 80% on all three tests, pharmacy, pathology, and physcianship. I am STOKED!! The average was like 84% for each thoe! Crazy huh?!! Med students are CRAZY SMART!! Anyways, we have a preceptor program we do every other week. 

We follow a doctor and slowly learn the HPI (history of present illness) and physical exam skills. I really like it alot! Well, I want to expand on this preceptor program. When I get my own job and start practice, here is my idea:

 Its called summer immersement with an MD. It's only for 1st year medical students after they are done and they have that summer in between M1 and M2 year. I have say 10 students for the summer, they come in 1-3 times a week. 

They become PART of the team. I would schedule less patients on the days students are to come in and then that way they can be taught and I can quiz and teach them about the essentials to the important things. 

Anyways, I wanted to write it down before I forgot about it!! Back to studying!