Ok, so I wanted to write this last Friday after our exams, but I was too lazy and too tired! Today is Tuesday and I just opened my email 10 minutes ago and got this message,
"Hello M-1 students:
We have received the 'all clear' for use of the new and improved Blackboard system, therefore I have released access to the grading center for you to view the scores and final grade information for the Musculoskeletal Block. Each column has information about the scores listed and the final grade column includes information about MPL, mean and SD."
I just went to my email and the first thing I see is 60/75 for the first part of the exam and 56/73 for the other part. I thought I had failed! So, I got 80% on the first part and 77% on the second part. I passed!! Overall I got a 78%, and I needed a 70% to pass the class, so I passed by a nice 8%. My heart has never pounded so fast though, I saw the 60 and thought that was the overall percent I got in the class! Whoooo. I am in the clear, and P=MD (P is Pass). I did fine. This was the hardest class I have ever taken. Studied my ASS of for three weeks and still only got a 77% overall. WTF right?! It's crazy how much harder Medical school is than regular college. 3 weeks of studying hard every single day, and only a 77%?!! WOW. But I feel great about it, because I knew my stuff, and its just the way the tests are written, they are IMPOSSIBLE! Why was it so hard? We just memorized all the muscles of the entire ARM, LEG, and BACK. We also learned nerves, arteries, and a complex of nerves called the BRACHIAL PLEXUS. We also learned all about how our bones grow and the hormones that help with that. I feel very doctor like for learning soooo much.
I can't believe that I am 1/8 of the way to being a DOCTOR! Its gone so quickly, it's just like a few days ago I was writing essays and applying, getting the acceptance letter, and now I can say I have completed my first full semester of my medical education! It's such a great feeling!! So, I think one of the reasons I passed was that a friend of mine, Josh, and I randomly went out for Sushi in the Sear's Tower (also called Willis Tower) after our first major test. We did that again after this exam, and we have agreed to start doing it after all exams as a good luck charm, it worked so far! We have agreed to keep it up. I think its the Wasabi sauce giving my brain the spice its needs to stay sharp! Anyways, I am really excited that this semester has gone so well.
Its Christmas this Saturday, I have stayed in Chicago since Friday, on Friday the M1 class went to a classmates apartment and partied and then to a club called the apartment to get our groove on! It was a blast! It's the best feeling ever to not have to start any studyin until January 3rd! I have already used the time to catch up with a friend who just came back from India for 4 months, and seeing Chicago with the Christmas lights. Its nice to just chill. Going home tonight to see the family and have a great Christmas! Wow time flies. Before I know it, the whole M1 year will be over. But I am going to take it slow and just enjoy this awesome Christmas break. Time for Christmas movies!
-MD in 14